Nobody likes speaking in front of a large group of people; even the world’s biggest stars get nervous before shows!
If you’re about to speak at a public event, or even perform a presentation in front of a slightly larger group than you’re used to, it’s normal for your nerves to jangle. What you can do however is reduce your fear by being totally prepared.
Overall however, these are the five easy tips you can learn to master today, and look forward to totally smashing it at your next public speaking event.
1. Memorise your speech or presentation as much as possible
2. Fake the confidence until you start to feel it for real
3. Practice in front of a small audience of people you trust and ask for their feedback
4. Use stand height tables to create a barrier between you and your audience, this helps with confidence and nerves
5. Visualise that you are speaking to just one person - you can handle one person!
Whether you’re sat around the wooden boardroom table speaking about a project or you’re on a podium about to speak to many people you’ve never met before, you can do it! You simply need to breathe, focus, and trust in your ability.
Do you have any other useful public speaking tips?
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