You have sat down and written your to do list for the day, prioritised it in order of importance, and you’re starting to make progress, slowly ticking off items.
It feels great, doesn’t it?Then, out of nowhere, you’re sat at your office chair and a new job comes your way, one which cannot wait and must be done right now. You look at your to do list and lament the progress you were making. There’s no way you’re going to be able to complete it all now. This is a common scenario, and probably one you’ve faced before.When your to do list is thrown into chaos, it’s normal to feel annoyed and probably want to throw in the towel for the day, but it’s important to stay calm, regroup, and move things around a little. Try these steps:Look at your list and work out whether anything can be moved to the next dayAre there any items which are quick and can easily be ticked off? Do those quicklyLook at the new task and break it up into smaller tasks, helping you to get it done efficiently and effectively If you’re really struggling, ask a colleague if they can help you, or ask your line manager if you’re able to delegate a task elsewhereStay calm! This is a normal situation in a contemporary office environmentSitting at your office tables, making progress, only for a new task to come your way is frustrating, but it’s part and parcel of working life. Stay calm, accept it, move what you can, and power on through. Do you have any other tips to add?And make sure you use the Office Chair Singapore of Ardent Office Furniture (AOF) Singapore.Office Chair Singapore By AOF Singapore has been trusted for a dozen years as an expert Office Chair Singapore with good quality and the best price for your office room.For more information, please visit the AOF Singapore website or directly contact AOF SINGAPORE via email at or via telephone at +65 6783-7911 (For Singapore or 021 3111-6161 (For Indonesia) to get a special price from us !