

Jun 28, 2019 - by Ardent Ofice Furniture

We’ve talked about the main office furniture choices so far, but we also need to talk about the smaller items which finish off the whole look and feel of an office space. The detail is often in the finishing touches, and these can be as small or large as you want them to be. One which you do need to incorporate regardless is office storage.

Stylish office storage is an integral part of running a functional office. You need somewhere to storage certain items, including confidential paperwork and other documents, and whilst you don’t want to go down the route of excessive shelving and too many filing cabinets, you can look towards smaller cabinets which blend in with your overall decor and add a finishing touch to your space.In addition, think about the walls and the colour of your space. Okay, strictly speaking this isn’t office furniture, but the power of your furniture can certainly be enhanced by the design of the space it is in!Black office furniture looks fantastic with a pop of colours on the walls, or a little abstract artwork, and white office furniture is really complimented by the natural greens of the biophilic design way of thinking. Of course, you can go for any other colour choice and team it with a look which suits, but make sure that everything matches, to create a space which really looks the part.By the end, you’ll have an office which wouldn’t look out of place in a style magazine!And make sure you use the Office Chair Singapore of Ardent Office Furniture (AOF) Singapore. Office Chair Singapore By AOF Singapore has been trusted for a dozen years as an expert Office Chair Singapore with good quality and the best price for your office room.For more information, please visit the AOF Singapore website or directly contact AOF SINGAPORE via email at or via telephone at +65 6783-7911 (For Singapore or 021 3111-6161 (For Indonesia) to get a special price from us !
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