Maintaining focus while on the job ensures you do quality work, but any group setting is sure to present distractions. CareerBuilder conducted a survey to discern what distractions afflicted office workers and found there are many. Fortunately, you can take steps to reduce distraction and promote focus by implementing a smart office design layout. With that in mind, here are the most common distractions the survey unveiled and how you can combat them:
Noisy Co-Workers
Overhearing co-workers talking (whether with each other or clients) distracts people from their jobs. In fact, 24 percent of survey participants listed noisy co-workers as a common distraction. Aside from asking staff to be mindful of their surroundings, you can plan your office design layout to reduce such sound distractions.
This is where open offices are at a disadvantage. They're designed to promote socialization, and so don't have many walls or dividers. As such, co-workers share a room, and only have a desk space to call their own. Because of this format, employees can clearly hear their neighbors.
Redesigning your office into a more closed format can help decrease distraction. Also, including objects that absorb sound rather than reflect it may reduce noise. Soft surfaces are better at absorbing sound than hard ones, so carpeting floors and using partitions with soft walls are good options.
Furthermore, you can include quiet rooms in the design of a more open-office layout. These are small offices that anyone can use that block sound and create a distraction-free work zone. Additionally, take into account what everyone does at your company when you design the office layout. People in roles that require a lot of phone calls can be put together in the same area while those who have more independent quiet work should be grouped together.
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