Millennials are set to become the majority of the world’s workforce in the next few years. With the passing of this torch comes fresh and new perspectives on how offices should look and function. Regardless of whether you’re looking to attract new talent to your company or just want your business to feel modern and contemporary, take a look at these office design trends transforming workspaces worldwide:
Flexible Workspaces & Offices
Having a workplace that’s modern, creative and efficient is important for millennial employers and employees alike, according to Fast Company. Now, more and more people want their workspaces to become mobile and collaborative. Simply sitting at a desk for eight hours a day has been shown to hurt productivity and engagement, but having the chance to work and move can break up the monotony and encourage team building more efficiently. Many offices are incorporating common areas for flexible work options and social events. They’re also designing nooks or booths for privacy as well.
According to Building Design + Constructions, the rise of millennials in the workplace and their embrace of mobile technology has enabled workers to move away from the confines of the traditional desk and workstations. Now people can work from anywhere. This flexibility provides for a more adaptive and less rigid working environment that can accommodate longer working hours with a personal life to better achieve a work-life balance so many millennials desire.
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