
What Is The Best Office Chair Singapore For Short People? Fixing The Discomfort Dilemma Part 1

Apr 10, 2019 - by Ardent Ofice Furniture
What Is The Best Office Chair Singapore For Short People? Fixing The Discomfort Dilemma Part 1

When you need to buy a new pair of shoes chances are you know pretty much what size you need to purchase to make sure you get a good fit. Generally speaking it’s likely you will find new shoes will be the same size each time, so it’s easy to find comfortable footwear.

#Why is the right chair important for short people?Buying an office chair Singapore is really little different to shopping for shoes. Just as you wouldn’t buy a pair of size 10 shoes when you take a 6, you need to make sure that the chair you choose is a good fit.There's a problem though. You see office chair Singapore aren't the same as shoes they don't tend to come in set sizes. They might be offered with low, medium or high backs. However that's more of a feature rather than a good fit. In fact, apart from the Aeron, which does come in 3 different sizes to cater for different body shapes it tends to be, one size fits all.Average built people often get by as office chair Singapore manufacturers target the typical sized person whatever that is. However, if you're short built chances are buying a one size fits all office chair Singapore will only lead to disappointment and discomfort. Nonetheless with a little careful planning, it is possible to get a office chair Singapore designed to suit your build.
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