
What Office Chair Singapore Mechanism Functions Must You Insist On?

Apr 04, 2019 - by Ardent Ofice Furniture
What Office Chair Singapore Mechanism Functions Must You Insist On?

Mechanisms come with all sorts of features, some are essential and some are useless. Very often the things you need for flexible working are the functions most often missing.

Which ones do you really need? It’s safe to say all mechanisms will let you adjust the height of your chair, that’s a given. Aside of this there are 3 essential functions you need to insist on.First, you need to make sure that the Office Chair Singapore reclines properly meaning that when you lean back in it the back reclines too. Often Office Chair Singapore have a lever that locks the back in different preset positions. If you are using your Office Chair Singapore for working actively at your computer this is not a good idea because you will soon feel seized up and stuck in a fixed position.Next, and hugely important the Office Chair Singapore needs to include a tilt tension control so it can adapt properly to your posture as you move. What this does is to allow you to set the pressure applied when you lean back and forwards in your Office Chair Singapore. Quite simply it lets you set up the chair for your own weight so that reclining is natural and not forced.Lastly, and most important of all the Office Chair Singapore controller needs to include a seat slide mechanism to take account of your leg length. Without it short built users can find themselves perched on the edge of the seat unable to rest their back on the seat’s back.Taller people have the opposite problem. Their legs overhang the seat edge by miles even though their back is hard up against the chair’s back. And even when you are average built things like upper and lower leg length variation still mean you shouldn’t skip this key adjustment.
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