
You Only Get One Back: Is Your Office Chair Singapore Ruining It? Part 3

Mar 29, 2019 - by Ardent Ofice Furniture
You Only Get One Back: Is Your Office Chair Singapore Ruining It? Part 3

How Else Can You Look After Your Back?

Sitting for hours on end is not a good idea even in the best of Office Chairs Singapore. Our body craves movement and when it doesn't get it it starts to ache. This is nature's way of saying it's time to move.Getting up out of your Office Chairs Singapore every 30 minutes or so is a good idea. Take a quick break and make yourself a cup of coffee or tea. Also, do some quick stretches to keep your body supple. This doesn't mean you have to start doing some strenuous exercise routine. Just a few simple stretches is all that is needed to keep things moving healthily.The older you get the more important this becomes. Unfortunately you will never get back all the healthy posture you had as a baby. Nonetheless it's vital that we maintain our backs by giving them the best support and help we can.A good Office Chairs Singapore combined with some basic stretches will go a long way to looking after your back.
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