Office Chair Singapore Gemini 192 By AOF Singapore is totally unlike any conventional office chair, however don’t let its quirky looks put you off.
It’s more than capable of replacing the sorts of Office Chair Singapore we’re used to and providing a lot more versatile experience at the same time.How so?What Is So Different About Sitting In A Office Chair Singapore Gemini 192 By AOF Singapore?In reality because of the way it’s designed it let’s you move with far more flexibility than your average task chair.Not only can you move forwards and backwards easily, moving from side to side is a breeze too. So, instead of having to wheel to another part of your workstation, all you do is lean and you will get there with ease.And with all the extra movement you gain you're actually keeping your body much better toned, especially in your leg and back muscles.This seat has no arms either. This isn't a disadvantage as it lets you get in close to your desk and use your worktop to support your arms.