Suffering for your work should be left to the tortured artists. It’s time to do something about any pain caused by your workstation with the help of ergonomics.
No pain no gain, right?
That way of thinking might fly at the gym as you push through an extra minute of planking but should never be your mantra in the office. Pain is your body’s way of telling you that something is wrong. So, if it hurts to do your job, then something’s wrong with your workstation and it needs to be fixed.
Ergonomics, or the study of people and their working environment, is all about helping us to work comfortably and effectively. We’re all unique so there is no single perfect workstation. That’s why it’s important to invest in adjustable Office furniture Singapore. But even if you don’t have a sit-stand desk, there are still some easy ways to quickly transform your workstation. Try these simple tricks to reduce pain and increase your productivity.
1. Prime position
The next step is setting up everything in your workstation to minimise reaching and straining. Place all the things you regularly use within easy reach, like your keyboard, mouse and phone. Your arms should stay close to your body with your hands at the same height or slightly below your elbows. A wrist rest can help you to find a comfortable typing/mousing position. Take the time to learn your keyboard shortcuts to keep mousing to a minimum. Make sure that your monitor is directly in front of you. It should be about an arm’s length away. Use a monitor riser to position it so that the top of the screen is at the same level or just below your eyes. Having everything positioned ergonomically will reduce a lot of unnecessary pain.
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