
Why Are Office Chairs So Expensive? Part 1

Sep 26, 2018 - by Ardent Ofice Furniture
Why Are Office Chairs So Expensive? Part 1

Why are office chairs Singapore so expensive? Well, there are a number factors that go into why. Many people think that a chair is just a chair, however, that is far from the truth. So today, we here at AOF Singapore are going to try and answer this question.

Those cheap chairs might seem like the better buy, however, if you think of all the back and buttocks problems you must now be facing since you bought that $20 dollar Office chair, you will see just how expensive it “truly” is. Although buying a chair that is $200 dollars or more may seem like such an “expensive chair” at the moment, but trust us, in the long run, it will be worth it, not only for your bank account but also for your back and your buttocks.Design: Your Pain-Free Seat is Our Goal.There is a lot that goes into designing the highest quality chairs such as research, and years of testing.MaterialsFor years, scientists have researched and used destruction testing on many different kinds of materials. All of this has been done in order to ensure that every material is of the highest quality.Now, if you choose to buy the least expensive chair, nearly all of the materials are made cheaply with fiber and other cheap cloth as well as far less stitching, almost no padding, and very few adjustments. However, if you opt for the more expensive chair, all of the materials are of high quality and made with leather, vinyl, and even polyurethane. There are more stitching’s, padding and a lot of adjustments as well.Continue to read the next points at the next article.
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