2. Do simple exercise on your office chair Singapore: boxing with shadow
Boxing with a punching bag? Sounds old-fashioned, doesn’t it? Now you can do boxing on your office chair Singapore without the help of punching bag. This kind of exercise is often called as shadow boxing. It is not only beneficial for your body, but this simple exercise is very simple to do.First, raise your fists up in front of your face. Make sure you are forming boxing position. But, remember to sit on your office chair Singapore with a distance from your computer screen, so that you will not broke it. Punch your fists forward in the air just as there is a punching bag, switching back and forth from right arm to left.If you are looking for a suitable office chair Singapore that is both eye-catching and good for your health, Ardent Furniture is the answer. It provides a variety of Office Chairs Singapore to meet your needs. All of our Office Chairs Singapore are made from high quality materials and manufactured in Singapore.For further information of the product specifications, contact our friendly representatives on +65 6783-7911 (Singapore) and 021 3111-6161 (Indonesia), or email at sales@ardentfurniture.com today. You can also read our helpful Office Chairs Singapore buyers guide for further details.