
Health Risk of Sitting All Day on Office Chair Singapore: How to Prevent This? | Part 4

Feb 17, 2020 - by Ardent Ofice Furniture
Health Risk of Sitting All Day on Office Chair Singapore: How to Prevent This? | Part 4

4. Do simple exercise on your office chair Singapore: Leaning plank

Not ready to say goodbye to your office chair Singapore, but at the same time you are aware of the health risks it will give you? Stay calm! You can try to do simple exercises on your office chair Singapore, for example leaning plank. You can do this kind of exercise while you are waiting for a cup of warm tea in pantry.The first step you have to do in is step back until you are sure that you have been, at least, five away from the wall behind your office chair Singapore. Then, lean forward against the wall with your forearms as the only support. Hold this position as long as you can.If you are looking for a suitable office chair Singapore that is both eye-catching and good for your health, Ardent Furniture is the answer. It provides a variety of Office Chairs Singapore to meet your needs. All of our Office Chairs Singapore are made from high quality materials and manufactured in Singapore.For further information of the product specifications, contact our friendly representatives on +65 6783-7911 (Singapore) and 021 3111-6161 (Indonesia), or email at today. You can also read our helpful Office Chairs Singapore buyers guide for further details.
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