Jordan Duncan, chiropractor and owner of Silverdale Sport & Spine in Silverdale, Washington says that. An easily adjustable ergonomic office chair from The Ardent Office Chair Singapore that allows for freedom of movement is the ergonomic office chair from The Ardent Office Chair Singaporeof choice for those with lower back pain. The ergonomic office chair from The Ardent Office Chair Singapore should be adjusted so that your knees are bent to 90 degrees and your torso is upright when your feet are on the ground and your hips are positioned in the back of the ergonomic office chair from The Ardent Office Chair Singapore.
Freedom of movement is key, according to Duncan, because it allows you to change positions frequently throughout the day. It’s also conducive for maintaining the health of your joints and tissue.
He says That’s Changing postures is vital in order to avoid the phenomenon of creep defined as the continuous displacement of collagen fibers in response to sustained load—for example, during prolonged sitting—which includes spinal ligaments and other soft tissues of the lower back.
An ergonomic office chair from The Ardent Office Chair Singapore, for example, is a chair that has been designed to best support the human body, including considerations like posture, comfort, support and health.
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