2. Go for Furniture and Decorative Items that are FlexibleWhen creative ideas suddenly arrive and all the meeting rooms are fully booked, tables with removable screens, like the Intel Workstation does wonders. Removing the screens will immediately turn it into a meeting table!
Working overtime is common in the workplace. However, if your office only has a centralised lighting system, those working overtime will only create more carbon footprint. To solve this, install individual lights that will not depend on the centralised system, such as the Simple Light that comes as a standalone light stand or a table-mounted lamp. Only switch it on when you need to – the job gets completed and Mother Earth will have one less thing to worry about.Decorative items play a huge role in elevating and beautifying the workspace, especially for those with an open-concept ceiling, resembling a factory. But organisations with short rental leases will be reluctant to invest in them, as most of them need to be installed and can’t be ported to different offices in the future. However, our removable ceiling decorative items with acoustic functions are an exception. Not to mention, no hacking is required!Come to Ardent Furniture and you’ll find a variety of different Office Chairs Singapore to meet your needs. All our Office Chairs Singapore manufactured here in Singapore from top quality materials, to our exacting standards.For further information on any of our products or services, call a friendly member of our experienced sales on +65 6783-7911 (Singapore) and 021 3111-6161 (Indonesia), or email sales sales@ardentfurniture.com today.For more information about Office Chairs Singapore read our helpful Office Chairs Singapore buyers guide.