One of the single biggest problems within a workplace environment in the modern day is stress and burnout. According to, during 2018, 74% of adults felt unable to cope or totally overwhelmed due to stress over the previous year. Within that 81% of women surveyed admitted to feeling stress, compared to 67% of men.
That’s a pretty eye-opening thought, and a huge number of people potentially hiding the fact that they’re feeling overwhelmed with their workload, or totally unclear about what is expected of them.Stress can be life-threatening when left unchecked, over a long period of time. Whilst a very small amount of stress can be motivating, it can be extremely dangerous when it goes to the extreme, and when it goes on for too long.Stress makes it literally impossible to focus and cope, it can affect your appetite and sleep pattern, which works against you in a totally different way, and starts to affect your entire life. Stress is super-dangerous and something which employers are starting to take more seriously as the dangers are highlighted. Of course, stress is also one of the main reasons for long-term sickness, which causes a business a huge amount of cash. Of course, it also affects morale within the office, because if one person is stressed out, it’s quite likely that several others are too and just not admitting to it.Remember, we’re talking about workplace psychology here, and it is extremely damaging to mental health to experience stress over the long-term. This can easily lead towards anxiety and depression, which are dark roads you should try and avoid as much as possible.Having a stress management plan in place within your office is vital. This means that everyone feels supported and part of the team, nobody feels that the sole responsibility of any task sits squarely on their shoulders alone and that there is an open-door policy for staff to discuss problems or fears with their manager. By doing this, you’re breaking down the stigma of stress, and therefore reducing its effects in a powerful way.If you want to improve the morale in your office and ensure your employees’ mental health remains positive, stress is one of the biggest issues you need to address and focus on. A little later in this guide, we will highlight a few things you can incorporate into your office to help boost workplace psychology in the right direction, and most of them will target stress at the same time.And make sure you use the Office Chair Singapore of Ardent Office Furniture (AOF) Singapore. Office Chair Singapore By AOF Singapore has been trusted for a dozen years as an expert Office Chair Singapore with good quality and the best price for your office room.For more information, please visit the AOF Singapore website or directly contact AOF SINGAPORE via email at or via telephone at +65 6783-7911 (For Singapore or 021 3111-6161 (For Indonesia) to get a special price from us !