Spring and Autumn are wonderful times, but they also pose a few different problems. For starters, Autumn is when the spiders come out, but how about temperatures?
We have days when it’s boiling hot, and then the next day it’s freezing! With that in mind, how can you maintain a moderate temperature in your office when the weather can’t quite decide what to do with itself?Having adequate ventilation is vital, whether temperatures are in the double figures or minuses, but it’s almost impossible to please everyone sitting at their office desks! For this reason, how about giving staff individual desk fans? This means anyone who is particularly hot can cool themselves down, and the office temperature itself can be set somewhere in the middle. Of course, you’re always going to get someone who’s always cold!The bottom line is that you can’t please everyone, but encouraging staff to let you know if they feel particularly cold or hot will allow you to find the best piece of middle ground. With that in mind, heating and air conditioning can be set accordingly.How do you keep the office temperate during the in-between seasons?And make sure you use the Office Chair Singapore of Ardent Office Furniture (AOF) Singapore. Office Chair Singapore By AOF Singapore has been trusted for a dozen years as an expert Office Chair Singapore with good quality and the best price for your office room.For more information, please visit the AOF Singapore website or directly contact AOF SINGAPORE via email at info@ArdentFurniture.com or via telephone at +65 6783-7911 (For Singapore or 021 3111-6161 (For Indonesia) to get a special price from us !