Saving money is a necessity for every business these days. Money doesn’t grow on trees, and if you want to successful, you need to find ways to save cash, without it detrimentally affecting productivity and morale.
When you consider some of the biggest expenditures within an office, you could certainly look towards technology. Computers, laptops, mobiles, video conferencing equipment, printers, software, these all cost money, but they're also necessary in order for the job to be done to the best of its ability.So, how can you save on one of the biggest expenditures you have as a business.Enter the idea of BYOD, or bring your own device.BYOD has pros and cons, but it’s an initiative which allows your employees to continue being productive, with the equipment they need to do their job, but to lower costs at the same time. This basically means that you allow employees to bring their own devices into the office, and they work from them, before taking them back home with them.You can probably immediately spot a digital security issue there, but BYOD does have a few workarounds which can make the security risk far lower. This means that your employees can sit at their designer office chairs with their own laptop and continue their day. BYOD could easily slot into your office environment, but it could also cause issues. We mentioned the security risk a little earlier - what if one of your employees is working on something sensitive and they have their laptop stolen whilst commuting home? In that case you would need to work on installing an encrypted software programme on any device which your employees work on within a BYOD arrangement.This is certainly not for every business, but it is an idea which may work for many, especially small businesses who are trying to save cash on some of the larger expenditure areas. This basically means that you do not have to buy new laptops and mobile devices, and instead your employees use their personal devices. You therefore have more cash within the business to invest in new products, or perhaps use towards a renovation, with trendy office furniture to make the right impression and bring new interest towards your business.You also need to think about the fact that remote workers already work within a BYOD kind of setting. These employees work from another location independent to your current office desking system and they use their own technological devices in order to do their work and send it to you. This type of arrangement works very well for many freelancers and remote employees, so allowing staff to bring their devices into the office is really no different. Provided you iron out any potential security issues if the work your employee is doing is particularly sensitive, you really shouldn’t have any problems in terms of business security. From there, it’s all down to cost savings. Would you employees like this kind of arrangement? Some may find it quite alarming that they need to bring their own laptop to work, and some might prefer it. We all become very used to the devices we use in our own time, and that means employees might be more productive as a result. Of course, you also have the potential for competition occuring, which may not be a good thing. If one member of staff has an all singing, all dancing laptop they bring to work, and another employees has a basic model, there could be ructions! Despite that small inconvenience, BYOD certainly has its lovers and haters. It’s up to your business individually to decide whether or not BYOD is a concept which would fit into your space, and if so, it could certainly work out to be a huge cost saving exercise.And make sure you use the Office Chair Singapore of Ardent Office Furniture (AOF) Singapore. Office Chair Singapore By AOF Singapore has been trusted for a dozen years as an expert Office Chair Singapore with good quality and the best price for your office room.For more information, please visit the AOF Singapore website or directly contact AOF SINGAPORE via email at or via telephone at +65 6783-7911 (For Singapore or 021 3111-6161 (For Indonesia) to get a special price from us !